Transgenerational Trauma

Breaking the Chains of Transgenerational Trauma: A Book Review

In a world where trauma can echo through generations, Dorothy Husen's groundbreaking work, "Breaking the Chains of Transgenerational Trauma," sheds light on the profound impact of historical trauma and its lasting effects on individuals, families, and communities. In this blog post, we delve into the insightful pages of Husen's book, exploring the significance of understanding and addressing transgenerational trauma and the potential for healing and liberation.

Unraveling Transgenerational Trauma:

Transgenerational trauma refers to the transfer of psychological and emotional distress from one generation to another. It can manifest in various forms, such as cultural disconnection, emotional reactivity, addiction, or even physical health issues. Husen takes readers on a captivating journey through history, psychology, and personal stories, to explain how trauma can become imprinted in our DNA, impacting successive generations. She unravels the complex web of familial relationships, beliefs, and behaviors that contribute to the perpetuation of these traumatic legacies.

The Impact on Families and Communities:

Drawing from extensive research and case studies, Husen illustrates how transgenerational trauma can shape family dynamics, perpetuating cycles of abuse, neglect, or dysfunctional coping mechanisms. By examining the experiences of different families and communities, she paints a vivid picture of the intergenerational struggles and the challenges faced by descendants of trauma survivors.

Breaking Free: Healing and Liberation:

While the topic of transgenerational trauma can be daunting, Husen offers hope and a roadmap to healing. She emphasizes the power of awareness, acknowledging the trauma's existence, and how this process can create the foundation for change. By confronting the pain and suffering that has been passed down, individuals and families can begin to break free from the chains of transgenerational trauma.

Husen delves into various therapeutic approaches and strategies that facilitate healing, such as trauma-informed therapy, narrative therapy, and mindfulness practices. She underscores the importance of community support and the power of resilience in building a healthier and more connected future.

Embracing Cultural Resilience:

One of the most inspiring aspects of Husen's work is her emphasis on cultural resilience. She explores how cultural practices, traditions, and identity can serve as powerful tools in the healing process. By reclaiming and celebrating cultural heritage, individuals and communities can find strength, pride, and solidarity in their shared history.

A Call to Action:

"Breaking the Chains of Transgenerational Trauma" is more than just a book; it is a call to action. Husen encourages readers to become agents of change, to confront their own trauma, and to support others in their healing journeys. By breaking free from the grips of intergenerational trauma, we can create a ripple effect of transformation that spreads across families, communities, and society at large.


Dorothy Husen's "Breaking the Chains of Transgenerational Trauma" is an insightful and transformative work that addresses an essential but often overlooked aspect of human suffering. With compassion, knowledge, and a clear sense of purpose, Husen navigates the complexities of transgenerational trauma, offering hope and practical guidance for those seeking healing and liberation. As we embrace the lessons from this powerful book, we are better equipped to break the chains of our past and create a brighter, more resilient future for generations to come.

Helpful Links:

Amazon link to Breaking the Chains of Transgenerational Trauma by Dorothy Husen

American Psychological Association article: "The Legacy of Trauma"

American Medical Association Journal of Ethics: "Transgenerational Trauma"

Duke Office for Institutional Equity: "Trans-generational Trauma: 6 Ways it Affects Families"