Coaching/Consultation Services


Every individual possesses unique strengths and capabilities, and Hayley has broadened her helping horizons to support clients in taking advantage of these qualities to level-up their living. With years of experience in a support role as a therapist and coach certification training, Hayley has the skills and experience to help you find clarity and confidence based on your specific needs, values, and aspirations. 

Request a complimantary consultation to discuss the power of coaching... schedule below!

Self-Discovery & Expansion

Many clients who reach out for therapy mention feeling like they are not fully living their lives and/or knowing who they truly are without their truama. Helping others to get to know their own strengths, quirks, desires, and dreams happens to be a Hayley-specialty. 

You could be a great fit if:

For Therapists

Hayley really enjoys the business side of having and running a practice! If you would like to break into private practice, shift out of working for someone else and work for yourself, or maybe you already have started your own practice but would like some support as an entreprenuer, Hayley would love to help!

Starting a Solo Private Practice 

The following are examples of high interest to clients considering making the leap towrad owning a solo private practice: 

À La Carte Problem Solving


Montly Business Consultation Group

What is this group for? 

Get support in developing your business! Running a practice requires decison-making and problem-solving on an ongoing basis. This is a place to ask questions and get feedback to address issues and ideas as they come up!

Who is this group for?

Those who currently own a solo private practice and those who are actively pursing a solo practice.

Examples of topics to bring to consultation: wanting to add or grow a service; how to handle a particular business challenge with a client, etc.


When: First Wednesday of the month 9:00-10:30 am

Investment: $60 per session

*Participants must have a 20 min pre-group consultationsession to assess goodness of fit prior to joining (Free)

Click below to schedule yourself for a Pre-Group Consultation (Business)!